Our workshops are experiential courses designed to help you create healthy marriages and fulfilling relationships. Each workshop will teach you practical relationship and communication skills and give you tools to improve issues around emotional and physical intimacy, conflict resolution, communication, and staying in love over time. The LoveWorks Solution is a lighthearted, practical approach to deep intimacy and healthy relationships.

Give Yourself To Love
Whether 20-years married or single, almost everything you’ve learned about relationships is wrong! What’s even worse, and tragic, is that almost everything you do to improve your relationship situation actually makes it worse!
This life-changing training takes all you know and believe about love and relationship and turns it on its head, and will leave you with a clear path and effective tools to actually create the relationship you dream of.
Our approach to relationship is uplifting and positive. You don’t have to air your dirty laundry or process every childhood memory before you begin to feel happy and in love. After this training, many of your issues will make so much sense. And you'll have a host of new tools and methods to create a new kind of relationship.

The Gift of Conflict
Conflicts can tear you apart or wear you down. But really, conflicts are a call for creativity, expansion and deeper connection. Instead of having the same fight over & over again, imagine how much happier you’d be to know exactly what to do to resolve it quickly and easily!
Discover that what you think you’re upset about is never what you’re really upset about. Learn proven, practical tools to use every conflict to make you stronger. You'll learn and practice our signature conflict resolution model to come up with creative win/win solutions together. You might even end up having fun with each others' habits and quirks that used to drive you crazy!

The Energy Dance
An energizing beautiful dance (relationship) requires a strong leader and a good follower. Without anyone leading, you end up with power struggles, confusion and lack of intimacy.
Unfortunately, most men have no idea how to bring their full, masculine presence forth so their woman feels safe to surrender. And most empowered women are so independent (“I’ll do it myself!”) that they don’t relax and open themselves in love.
If your relationship lacks sizzle, if you find yourself pulling for more connection, or you are sick of feeling nagged and “pulled on”, this training is for you!

The Possibility of Sex
If your sex life is flat, boring, predictable, or non-existent, you have a problem. Don’t try to convince yourself that it’s no big deal, that “you don’t really need that much sex, anyway”. Unless you’ve taken a vow of celibacy, sex and touch are crucial to the health and wellbeing of any intimate relationship.
In this course, you will not only learn a ton of practical ways to turn on the flame right now (even if you haven’t had sex for years) but you’ll get a totally new vision of what your sex life could be and specific doable steps for how to get there. No matter the current state of your sex and intimacy, we make it safe and possible to move forward together.