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Gift of Conflict

Level 2: Conflict Resolution
One-day workshop to transform conflicts and create win-win solutions.

Our relationship workshops have been developed from decades of experience working with couples and singles to help them use effective tools for dealing with trust issues with their partners, deepen intimacy, resolve conflict, and for finding life long partners.

The Gift of Conflict will teach you a new way to look at and deal with conflicts, including our win-win solutions model and many practical tools.

Cost: $295 per person.
When: Contact us about dates and info.
Where: Auburn CA.

Ready for a better way to do conflicts?

About Your Facilitators

Sonika and Christian Love Works Solution.jpg

Sonika Tinker, MSW, and Christian Pedersen, loving husband-wife team, are Relationship Experts with over 40 years combined experience coaching couples. They are the founders of The LoveWorks Solution, a practical, happy approach to marriage, relationship, intimacy and communication. They are experts at creating a safe space for couples.

Sonika is a Certified NLP Professional, Certified Enneagram Teacher, Certified Mediator and Co-author of Seize Your Opportunities and The Good Divorce. Christian is a Certified Master Coach, Certified Mediator, and Certified Master NLP Practitioner.

Workshop Details

 The Gift of Conflict is a 1-day training in a workshop setting.


We use a mixture of lecture, individual reflection, paired exercises, and various breakout activities. You do exercises with your partner and sometimes other participants. If you want to attend by yourself, we invite you to bring a friend to do exercises with you. Or contact us for help with this.

Our work engages your head, heart, and hands. In other words, we employ your logic, reach your heart, and give you practical actions to take. Add to our experiential approach the mastermind consciousness that is available in a group of like-intentioned people, and you are destined to reap the benefits from our multi-dimensional, uplifting learning method.

The Gift of Conflict Workshop is offered at $295 per person.

When: Contact us for dates and info ...

Where: Auburn CA

Why Give Yourself To Love

Resolving a conflict feels like a victory!

Resolving conflicts in a good way is true partnership. Respectfully disagreeing, listening, and sharing your viewpoints, and then coming to a win-win solution is not only mature, responsible behavior. It feels like an amazing victory every time!

Of course, it doesn’t always go that way. If you are like most couples or most people, you may have noticed that many of your conflicts are recurring – that is, they keep coming back over and over again.

Why is that?

Because you don’t have a system for dealing with them as they arise. You don’t (yet) have a model that helps you resolve your disagreements and put them to rest.

In The Gift of Conflict workshop, you’ll discover that conflicts are inevitable. In fact, conflicts are born from your commitments and desires. They are actually a positive force in your relationship … IF you know how to use them.

They can be used to help you grow and become an even better version of yourself and as a catalyst for creating more love, passion, and intimacy in your relationship.

The tools and models you’ll learn are applicable in all your relationships; with your spouse, partner, kids, friends, co-workers, employers, and employees.

Christian & I use our advanced conflict resolution system to deal with the conflicts, problems, and challenges that show up in our lives to help us expand and grow.

We have eliminated blame, criticism, and complaint in our own relationship. No kidding. We never need to have the same argument twice. Mind you, that does not mean we only have one conversation and we’re done. The process of resolving a conflict can take five minutes or three months depending on the nature of the conflict. But even a longer-lasting process is no problem if you do it respectfully and the process is progressing.

We even have fun coming up with creative solutions to challenges; creative solutions that are often much better than anything we could have thought of individually.

Unspoken or unresolved conflicts and resentments are to your relationship what heavy metals are to your body. No single small dose of mercury or lead is detrimental to your physical health. But at some point, when the concentration of these heavy metals in your blood gets too high, it becomes severe and even deadly.

Most individual conflicts don’t take you out. Like the angry way you reply when she asks why you’re home late. Or the snippy retort you have for him when he’s not paying attention. Or any of the countless arguments, fights, bickerings, and naggings that irritate you on a regular basis.

But add them all together over time and you have an unhealthy relationship situation which – if left unaddressed – will head you straight for divorce, break-up or good old fashioned misery!

You HAVE to find a successful and reliable method to deal with your conflicts if you are going to create a satisfying relationship where you feel happy, expanded and in love.

The Gift of Conflict provides a positive, reliable way to help you deal with conflicts for the rest of your life.
We’ll show you why you never need to dread or avoid conflicts. We’ll show you how to USE your conflicts for your own growth and expansion. And we'll show you how to mine the gold hidden in the “rubble” of conflict.  

With the powerful, fun, creative tools we teach, you’ll be free to move forward together, without the weight of all that painful “stuff” from the past pulling you down.

Many participants have come to this training totally buried in a particular conflict that’s been driving them nuts for years, only to resolve that same issue with the tools we teach in as little time as 10 minutes! No kidding! (Boy, are they shocked to realize how much time they’ve wasted arguing!) Of course, we don't promise that every conflict reaches resolution that fast, but it can absolutely happen.

Once you get a full understanding for WHY the same type of conflicts tend to show up in your relationship repeatedly, you’ll be on your way to being free in relationship.

  • My privacy is important – do I have to ‘air my dirty laundry’?
    No, absolutely not. You get to decide what and how much you share every step along the way. We create a very safe, relaxed, light-hearted environment within which to learn new ways to be in relationship.
  • I’m busy. I just don’t have time for this.
    Yes, we certainly know what it’s like to have a full plate. After going to work, dealing with kids, cooking, cleaning, shopping, and paying the bills, what time is left to focus on your relationship? We want to invite you to ask yourself, “What are my priorities? What’s really important for me and my family?” After having worked with hundreds of couples, we can state clearly that you don’t have time NOT to invest in your relationship. Just think how much time you’ve wasted in unproductive arguments that went nowhere. Don’t waste another precious moment.
  • Money’s pretty tight right now…
    Yes, we understand that can sometime be a challenge. But trust us when we say, the price of admission is A LOT less expensive than legal council! It's not free, but it's a very affordable way to get relationship coaching. You get 9 hours of coaching and education for the price of 1.5 private coaching sessions. Commit to making it happen; go for creating a miracle. Or call us if you need help to get creative, we’ve helped many people make it happen.
  • Is one workshop really going to make a difference?
    Yes! We’ve stopped counting how many people have been totally floored at the transformation from this one workshop. Have a look at the testimonials on this page. Of course we're not pretending that this workshop will fix all your issues and solve all your conflicts in a day. Your relationship is an ongoing practice; conflicts will keep arising. But after this workshop, you will have a different understanding of conflict, and new practical ways to address conflicts.
  • I don’t like big groups.
    We create a very safe and intimate environment for you. You will not be the first one to have attended who had that concern. Much of the time, you will be in smaller groups, or with your partner. Not to worry, we take good care of you. And if you really do not want to be in a group setting, contact us for private coaching.
  • We’re not even sure we want to stay together.
    Lots of couples have come to Give Yourself to Love on the brink of divorce and totally turned their relationship around, and gotten their husband or wife “back”. Some have gone on to create loving, cooperative separations. No matter what you choose with your current relationship, you will leave feeling much more confident in your ability to create a positive relationship experience going forward.
  • We just met. We’re in love. We don’t have any problems.
    Congratulations. How wonderful. What you’ll learn in this workshop will give you practical ways to KEEP that in-love state going, instead of spiraling downhill after 6-12 months. Remember, most relationships started out with lots of love and no problems. If you have the right tools and foundation, it is completely possible to keep it that way.
  • We’re not doing THAT bad. We’ll get support later…
    That’s what our friend Steve said before his wife crossed the Tipping Point and she was off with another man. He figured “we’ll deal with the problems some day”. Except, some day never came, and now it’s too late. Pay attention to the warning signs, and DO NOT wait till “some day”.
  • Do we have to be there for the whole day?
    Yes. No exceptions. Give Yourself to Love is a whole, coherent experience. If you can’t make the entire training, change your schedule or book another time that works better for you.
  • My partner doesn’t want to come – what do I do?
    Commit to attending anyway, no matter what. YOU want a fabulous relationship, yes? YOU know you can’t keep going as you have been! Your commitment is the best way to invite your partner to join you. You might even say to your partner, “I’m committed to doing what it takes to make this relationship amazing. I’m going to Give Yourself to Love. I really want you to come. Would you be willing to come with me?” If your partner has reservations, you can invite him or her to contact us. Sometimes speaking with us can help build trust and mitigate fears and concerns. But if your partner insists on not attending, attend by yourself. We have seen many people unilaterally turn their relationship around.
  • Are we going to be sitting on our butts the whole time?
    Well, you will be sitting down at times🙂 But no, the workshop not a lecture where you’re sitting on your butt for hours while we drone on. We know that you learn much better when you are engaged and actively participating in exercises, so you can actually experience what we are teaching. Our relationship training is continuously shifting from class-style teaching to break-out groups, to paired exercises and large group activities. At one of our trainings, Steve (an engineer) said, “This is the first workshop I’ve ever been to where I haven’t looked at the clock once!”
  • We can’t make it to the date listed here.
    When you register for Give Yourself to Love, you have the right to reschedule your date one time to another training.
  • Can I get my money back?
    We do not offer refunds for purchased tickets. You may get a credit to other LoveWorks services, such as private coaching or other workshops, by mutual agreement with LoveWorks.
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